My philosophy: to make you love French language and culture so that you can be independent in France.
I set up tailor-made training courses for optimal language proficiency thanks to a range of educational materials designed specifically for your needs. During your training, I will give you a booklet with the materials used during the sessions. You will be able to follow easily your progress and consult it at home and review the concepts discussed.
I will also provide you with our free resources directory including online activities, literary works, films and series to use without moderation at home, alone or with your family.

I’ll give you a maximum of knowledge and skills to be confident with French language and culture. This training is made possible thanks to a maximized trainer-individual relationship, with optimal learning conditions. We go straight to the point, and the explanations are targeted to your questions and your needs. The choice is yours !

One-to-One tutoring
Materials are created according to your expectations. You’ll be operational in your French life !

Need to work on a specific point ? Professional purpose, phonetics, writing… We will focus on what you need !

Group Session
Small budget ? Sign up with your friends. Group classes encourage speaking up. That’s the best way to progress !

Learning French with Alexandra propose des formations à Paris ainsi que dans toute la France pour vous accompagner
dans votre quotidien et optimiser votre communication à la française.